Call for Sculptors(来自德国

    现转发德国KUNSTDÜNGER e.V.协会发来的雕塑征稿启事,以供所有会员参考,具体信息请直接致电或查询其官方网站www.kunstduenger.info,请知悉。


    Call for Proposals

1. Intern. Kunstdünger e.V. Sculpture Symposium

Valley / Germany,  12. – 28. July  2013
Call for Proposals
The Symposium “SKULPTUR-LICHTUNG” will take place in Germany between the 12. – 28. July  2013, and is announced internationally for sculptors. It is organized by the association "Kunstdünger e.V." (www.kunstduenger.info, facebook: Kunstduenger e.V.) and will take place in Valley, a small village near the city Munich. Munich is world famous for its beautiful architecture, fine culture, art museums, BMW, the annual Oktoberfest beer celebration and its location near the magnificent Alps. During the Symposium there will be several cultural tips for the invited sculptors. Material will be raw local granite and limestone up to 2,5 tons. The created sculptures will be permanent exhibited in the outdoor sculpture park “SKULPTUR-LICHTUNG”. Invited sculptors will get free round ticket, accommodation, food / drinks, material, common tools and a honorary of Euro 3000.- for the finished sculpture.
Sculptors around the world are invited to send their application with a documentation of their own work and sketches with detailed information about one or more projects. The theme of sculpture is free. Deadline is 10. May 2013. Applications should be send to the organizer TOBEL (www.tobel.org) by e-mail info@tobel.org, orinfo@kunstduenger.info. The entry fee is 30.-Euro. All entries must include the application and entry fee, via bank account.

A jury will select the invited sculptors on 13. May 2013. All applicants will be informed by e-mail. There will be contracts concluded with the participants.
Working Conditions
Free theme
Raw granite or limestone blocks, up to 2,5 tons
Round ticket
Food / drinks
Big and small angle grinder, hammer etc. (only bring your personal tools)
Vernissage and Finissage
Honorary Euro 3000.-
Ownership of the Sculptures
The sculptures created during the symposium become property of the organizer. The
final placement will be decided by the association in collusion with the sculptors.
Christiane Ahlhelm  (President Kunstdünger e.V.)
Christoph Mast  (Sculptor / Architect)
Ernst Kolt  (Sculptor / Teacher)
Deadline is 10. May 2013.
Entry fee is 30.- Euro. All entries must include the application and entry fee, via bank account.
BANK: Kreissparkasse Miesbach, IBAN: DE66711525700000082800, BIC: BYLADEM1MIB
paypal: info@kunstduenger.info
Please send to Mr. TOBEL (www.tobel.org)

by e-mail info@tobel.org, orinfo@kunstduenger.info                     http://youtu.be/9-iuciB5gMA

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